Monday, January 21, 2013

Crank: A Midway Review

I have recently reached the midway point, or climax of Crank by Ellen Hopkins and . So far, Kristina has become fully familiar and adequate of the benefits of meth. However, when sober she realizes what horrible mess she's gotten herself into and regrets her actions. Ironically, it seems to me that she is anxious for more of Bree and crank. After promising Adam, who cheated on his girlfriend to be with Kristina, to return back to her father's hometown, Kristina leaves and visits her mother. However, her addiction continues with Meth in Nevada where she begins to date another boy named Chase.

After reading well into the book, I can say that this is one of my favorite brutal, gory, and remarkable drug addicting books thus far. The story has an interesting flow due to the poem-shaped writing causing the reader the turn the pages quickly. Although at times, the writing can be vague and tedious, the story quickly picks up again through fast and exhilarating dialogue. Overall, I think the book is extremely well written and proves to be an aspiring winner of any young-adult medals.


  1. Wow! You really show an understanding of the girls life an challenges! It's always cool when writers play with the formatting of their books, and it's important that they stay interesting and fast paced through it all. Great response, I want to read that after you if I ever get t it ;) Haha, good job Finn.

  2. Thanks Ali, I'll bring it in tomorrow.
